
Nov 9, 2006


We went with Blake on November 4th to the Nascar race with his Cub Scout Pack. We ofcourse rode alone and we got there about an hour ahead of the rest of the Pack. We we walked up and down all the vendors trailors of all the racers and got lots of free stuff. It was really fun and Blake really enjoyed racking up on all that LOOT!! He was very encouraging of Bubba and I to sign up for everything we could so he could get the stuff. We did this for about 3 hours....
It went by fast and we only covered one side of vendors..there were that many more on the other side of the raceway. Blake got his picture taken with some of the Cars Characters. It was great fun until about midway through the race that is...

We went to our seats about 30 minutes before race time and we got to see all the racers get escorted to their cars. We had really good seats, we where about 3 rows from the track and straight across from the pit crews. I know this sounds ok so far but just give me a few more lines to break it down.

The race started and the cars were really loud and when they came by us in a group it made the seats vibrate and our hair blow. That was also infact really cool. Now the next 80 laps or so were the down fall to this great outing. Well there were 4 wrecks about back to back and that slows the race down and that is when to smokers let loose. I mean we were surrounded by smokers lighting up one after another for atleast an hour....It was getting ridiculous. Neither Bubba nor I can stand that for to long and the time had come for us to go and get some fresh air. We went to the bathroom and BLake decided he wanted to go ahead and go because Bubba had told him earlier that we would go down town by all the sky scrapers and show Blake which ones he works in when he comes to Dallas. Blake thought that was really cool and we went to eat at Chuy's downtown(the best mexican food around by far) and that finished off a great day.

We all had a blast spending time together. We haven't done anything with just Blake for a really long time. Blake had such a great time. We really need to spend more special time with all the kids individually when we can. So all in all Nascar was a hit!!


Michael said...

Did you eat at Chuy's on Knox-Henderson in Dallas? And did you get creamy jalapeno dip for your chips (they call it green sauce in Houston; creamy jalapeno up here)?

Melissa said...

So cool! I'm glad y'all had fun! Love the pics!

Windy Smith said...

Michael, we did eat at that one, we didn't have the creamy jalapeno for our chips but I had it on my chile rellenos and they were so good. I love that place. It sounds like you agree about it being the best mexican food around.

Caci said...

The boys are so jealous about the pics and have already griped me out about not taking them! They will be interrogating Blake later this evening!