
Feb 2, 2007

Derby Race Winner

Blake had his first Pinewood Derby Race tonight at Boy scouts and he won first place in all 8 races. Then they raced all the first place winners from each age ground and he won 1st place in the best of 4 races. Blake's car is the back one in the middle row. It has magnetic balls going down the middle. He was very excited and now he will get to go on and compete in the regional race in Tyler next month. Here are a few pictures of our night.


Caci said...

I love the pic of Blake when he won! He looks absolutely thrilled! I guess he and his daddy made a great racecar! What teamwork!

Patti said...

Okay, so when I open your page with Explorer, I can see all the pictures that I can't see when opened with mozilla. I am so proud of that boy. He is doing well in scouts and I can't wait to see what his next project is. Give all my boys a big hug and kiss for me.