
Feb 21, 2007

Please Help

Well, I figured if everyone is so willing to help Peyton with her homework then it would only be fair if you helped me with mine too. Well I have this project due in about a month for my government class. I have to find 10 political cartoons that are recent(No later than January) And I have to know what that mean and what the symbolism is and junk like that. If you find anything that you understand and can explain to me fairly easily then please email them to me at

They can come from anywhere.

Thanks in advance for your help


Michael said...

Just sent you an email with a link to a bunch of recent political cartoons and some general explanations. Let me know if you need anything else.

Patti said...

See how great a little bit a computer knowledge and a whole lot of family can do for you. If we all stick together ... we are brilliant!!! I do not have much access to any kind of cartoons, but I will start looking in the Longview paper for you. I'll let you know if I find anything that I understand...

Caci said...

girl, you know I don't understand nor look at anything political....that's all the help I can give! Ben is squawking a bunch of mumbo jumbo about G.Bush, D. Cheney and war....blah blah blah as I type this. Ask him for help!

Windy Smith said...

I did ask him by posting this for everyone to see. =)

Caci said...

don't sass me, or there will be a cartoon with you and me on it ....and it won't be hard to understand what it is about!