
Oct 1, 2007

The Way Carter's Brain Works!

Well I was going through the boys rooms this morning like I do most mornings and get dirty clothes to wash and just check on things and this is what I found in Carter's room this morning...Well he must have been up later than we thought last night working on a way for us not to be able to close his door all the way! Those of you that know Carter know that bedtime is not his favorite time and it takes him twice as long as everyone else to fall asleep....So we are ready for this every night. Normally we are really calm with him and give him some extra time to get settled and we do this by making them go to bed a little early or just being prepared for him getting up and down a few times..But you know our patience wears out after a certain time at night and we end up shutting his door and telling him if we hear it come open again then he needs to have his butt prepared for a spanking! Well last night we didn't have to much trouble...that we knew of anyways....

Here is what he was doing to get himself prepared for us to come close his door just incase it came to that as it usually does!

How smart is this!!

Oh and yes that is a big hole behind his door and most doors in our house because boys don't know how to just open a door they only know how to SLING and the noise of the door crashing through the wall lets them know that "YES" it is open with out a doubt!

1 comment:

Caci said...

Yes, I remember bed time at your house.....Carter was always sneaking out for some reason or other! This is pretty ingenious of him to create....Carter is always thinking up something! We miss them!